Credential Manager Documentation

Credential Manager Overview

Credential Manager is a Jetpack API that supports multiple sign-in methods, such as username and password, passkeys, and federated sign-in solutions (like Sign-in with Google) in a single API, simplifying integration for developers.

For users, Credential Manager unifies the sign-in interface across authentication methods, making it clearer and easier to sign into apps, regardless of the chosen method.

Note: This package is currently only supported for Android.

Getting Started

Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

            credential_manager: <latest_version>

Or run:

flutter pub add credential_manager

Setup Android

  1. Add proguard rules:

    Create or update android/app/

    -if class androidx.credentials.CredentialManager
                    -keep class androidx.credentials.playservices. {
  2. Update android/app/build.gradle:

    android {
                    buildTypes {
                    release {
                    minifyEnabled true
                    proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''

Usage in Flutter

  1. Import the package:

    import 'package:credential_manager/credential_manager.dart';
  2. Create a CredentialManager instance:

    CredentialManager credentialManager = CredentialManager();
  3. Check if the platform is supported:

    if (credentialManager.isSupportedPlatform) {
                // Supported
  4. Initialize the Credential Manager:

    await credentialManager.init(
                preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials: true,
                googleClientId: googleClientId // Optional for Google Sign-In
  5. Save credentials:

    await credentialManager.savePasswordCredentials(
                PasswordCredential(username: username, password: password)
  6. Get saved credentials:

    Credentials credential = await credentialManager.getPasswordCredentials();
  7. Logout:

    await credentialManager.logout();

Google Sign-In Setup (Optional)

  1. Access Google Cloud Console
  2. Create or select a project
  3. Configure OAuth Consent Screen
  4. Create Credentials (OAuth client ID)
  5. Set Application Type to Android
  6. Configure Android App (package name and SHA-1)
  7. Create Web Application Credentials
  8. Obtain Client ID for use in Flutter app

Implementation in Flutter:

await credentialManager.init(
            preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials: true,
            googleClientId: 'YOUR_WEB_CLIENT_ID_HERE'

Passkey Integration



  1. Create and host a Digital Asset Links JSON file
  2. Configure your host to allow Google to retrieve the file

Create Passkey

final res = await credentialManager.savePasskeyCredentials(
            request: CredentialCreationOptions.fromJson({
            // Passkey creation options

Fetch Generated Passkey

CredentialLoginOptions? passKeyLoginOption = CredentialLoginOptions(
            challenge: "<challenge>",
            rpId: "<>",
            userVerification: "required",
            Credentials credential = await credentialManager.getEncryptedCredentials(
            secretKey: secretKey,
            ivKey: ivKey,
            passKeyOption: passKeyLoginOption
            bool isPublicKeyBasedCredentials = credential.publicKeyCredential != null;

Error Handling

When an exception occurs, a CredentialException is thrown with the following fields:

Error Codes and Descriptions

Code Message Description
101 Initialization failure The initialization process encountered an error.
102 Plugin exception An exception occurred within the plugin.
103 Not implemented The requested functionality is not implemented.
201 Login cancelled The login process was cancelled by the user.
202 No credentials found No valid credentials were found for authentication.
203 Mismatched credentials The provided credentials do not match the expected format.
204 Login failed The login attempt was unsuccessful.
205 Temporarily blocked The user is temporarily blocked due to too many canceled sign-in prompts.
301 Save Credentials cancelled The process of saving credentials was cancelled by the user.
302 Create Credentials failed Failed to create new credentials.
401 Encryption failed Failed to encrypt the value.
402 Decryption failed Failed to decrypt the value.
501 Invalid Google ID token response Received an invalid response from Custom Credentials.
502 Invalid request An invalid request was made while saving Google credentials.
503 Google client not initialized The Google Web token ID is invalid or missing.
504 Credentials operation failed The operation failed due to an unspecified error.
505 Google credential decode error Error occurred while decoding the Google credential.
601 Passkey operation cancelled The user cancelled the passkey operation.
602 Passkey creation failed Failed to create a new passkey.
603 Passkey fetch failed Failed to fetch the passkey with the provided parameters.
701 Logout failed An error occurred while calling `clearCredentialState()` on Android.

Handling Exceptions

try {
            // Credential Manager operation
            await credentialManager.someOperation();
            } on CredentialException catch (e) {
            print('Error Code: ${e.code}');
            print('Error Message: ${e.message}');
            // Handle the error appropriately
            } catch (e) {
            // Handle other unexpected errors
            print('Unexpected error: $e');








